What is food poisoning? There is an acute, usually sudden, as by eating contaminated food brought or toxic. The symptoms of food poisoning are:
1 Nausea - a feeling of nausea as if about to be sick
2 Disease - vomiting
3 Pain in the bowl - socket stomach pain
4 Diarrhea
5 Fever
The main causes of food poisoning are:
1 Bacteria - the most common
2 viruses - which are smaller than bacteria,normally found in water
3 Chemicals - Insecticides and herbicides
4 metals - lead pipes, copper pots
5 Poisonous plants - mushrooms, red kidney beans (cooked enough)
Bacteria are the most common form of food poisoning and therefore it is important that we know more about them. Bacteria are tiny insects that live in air, water, soil and human beings, in and on foods. Some bacteria cause diseases. They are called pathogenic bacteria. Some bacteria cause foodto decay and rot, they are called putrefaction bacteria. There are four things that bacteria need to grow. These are:
Heat. They love the body temperature of 73 degrees, but as an increase to 15 degrees. They grow best between 5 cc and 63 cc. This is known as the danger zone
Time. Each bacterium grows by dividing into two halves. This takes time, about every 20 minutes. This is known as binary fission. Imagine, a single bacterium by halving every ten minutesbe more than one million in three and a half hours.
Food. They are like high-protein foods such as poultry, meats, dairy products, shellfish, cooked rice, stews and sauces.
Humidity. You need water and most foods have enough water or moisture to grow bacteria.
Some bacteria can form a hard case around it, that's called Spore. This happens when the "get tough" when it is too hot or too dry. So they are able to survive in very hot orCold and dry food in the can. Once the conditions (5 to 63 c) rear, the spores come from the bag and returns to a crescendo, the food poisoning bacteria.
Bacteria and Food Poisoning
We found that the presence of bacteria is one of the most common causes of food poisoning - the presence of toxic chemicals can also cause food poisoning. There are a number of potentially toxic chemicals in the diet. For example, potatoeswhich included the poisonous green substance, solanine, which is dangerous if eaten more.
Rhubarb contains oxalic acid - the amounts are the logs, which are normally cooked, relatively harmless to humans, but the highest concentration in the leaves makes them very dangerous to eat.
A toxin is a poisonous substance that can be produced by some bacteria, especially the metabolism of a plant or an animal. Toxic food poisoning is caused mainly byStaphylococci in the UK and rare in this country, Clostridium botulinum.
Foods are most often affected by staphylococci:
• Meat Pie
• meat
• cake with sauce
• Synthetic Cream
• Ice
50-60% of people carry staph in the nose and throat and nasal secretions after a cold. Staphylococci are present in wounds and infections of the skin and find their way into food through handsan infected food handler. Therefore, it is important to keep all wounds and skin diseases treated. Although staphylococci are easily prepared by the cooking or reheating, the toxin they produce is often much more resistant to heat and a higher temperature or longer cooking time for its complete destruction must be destroyed.
Food poisoning from Clostridium botulinum - known as botulism - is extremely serious. This leads to a life-threatening toxin, which is the most virulentPoison known. Foods are most often affected by Clostridium botulinum:
• Not sufficiently processed meat, canned vegetables and fish.
While the commercial canning process every care is reasonable care to ensure that every part of the diet to a high enough temperature is heated to ensure complete destruction of spores of Clostridium botulinum, which can be present.
Yeast & FORMS - microscopic organisms, some of which are desirable in food and help its properties. ForAs the maturation of cheese, bread, etc. They are simply the fermentation plants that occur as a mustache on food. To grow they need warmth, moisture and air. They are killed by heat and sunlight. Mold can grow where they grow too little moisture for the yeasts and bacteria. Yeasts are unicellular organisms larger than bacteria or plants that grow on food, moisture and sugar. Foods with a small amount of sugar and a large amount of liquids such as fruit juices andSyrups are needed because the yeast fermentation. The yeasts are destroyed by heat.
VIRUS - microscopic particles of food that can cause diseases are transmitted. For example, hepatitis A (jaundice). Unlike bacteria, viruses can not multiply or grow in food.
Protozoa - single-celled organisms that live in water and are responsible for serious diseases such as malaria, usually spread by infected mosquitoes and dysentery. These are usually food-borne infections captured abroad.
COLIColi - E coli is a normal part of the intestine of humans and animals. It is found in human feces and raw meat. E coli causes abdominal pain, fever, diarrhea and vomiting. High standards of hygiene and cooking of food must be applied. Raw and cooked meats must be stored properly to avoid cross contamination.
Salmonella - is in the intestines of animals and humans. The affected foods are poultry, meat, eggs and shellfish. Prevention shouldinclude:
• good standards of personal hygiene
• elimination of insects and rodents.
• Wash hands and equipment and surfaces after handling raw poultry
• Do not allow carriers of the disease is treated with food.
To fight bacteria
There are three ways to fight bacteria:
1 Protect food by bacteria in the air, covered by food. To avoid cross contamination, use separate boards and knives for raw and cooked foodUse different colored plates for certain foods. For example, cooked red meat, oily fish, yellow for poultry, raw food, etc. Store them separately. Wash your hands often.
2 Do not store food in the danger zone between 5c and 63c for longer than necessary.
3 bacteria, kill bacteria, subjected to a temperature of 77C for 30 seconds or a higher temperature, less time. Some bacteria develop spores and can withstand higher temperatureslonger periods. Some chemicals can kill bacteria and to clean equipment and utensils used.
The Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995 and Food Safety (Temperature Control) Regulations 1995: the most important guidelines for food hygiene are important for baking. This implementation of the EC Food Hygiene Directive (93/43 EEC). It replaces a number of different schemes, including the Food Safety (General) Regulation 1970. Regulations of 1995 are similar toIn many respects, the previous rules. However, as with health and safety legislation, these regulations a strong value for the owners and managers to identify security risks, develop and implement adequate systems to prevent contamination, these systems and procedures based on hazard analysis critical control points HACCP (covered) and / or Assured Safe Catering. The regulations place two general requirements for owners of food businesses:
• To ensure that all food handlersThe operations are carried out in hygienic conditions and in the "Rules of Hygiene".
• Identify and control all potential threats to food security, with a HACCP approach is or Assured Safe Catering.
• There is also a commitment to food handlers who may suffer from, or carrying a disease that could be transmitted through food, to the employer, the obligation to prevent the person from food handling to report. Restaurantshave a general obligation of monitoring and educate and train in the field of food safety and hygiene commensurate with their responsibilities to employees. Details regarding the amount of training is necessary, are not specified in the regulations. However, see the HMSO Catering guidelines for the education sector that can be taken as a general rule, with the files on the right.
How to avoid food poisoning
Almost all food poisoning can be avoided:
• Compliancethe rules of hygiene
Care and thinking head
• ensure a high level of cleanliness in rooms and facilities are
• Prevention of accidents
• a high standard of personal hygiene
• Physical fitness
• Maintaining good working conditions
• maintenance of equipment in good condition and clean
• Use separate equipment and knives for raw and cooked food
• Provision of adequateCleaning services and equipment
• keep foods at the right temperature
• heat safe food
• Rapid cooling of foods before storage
• protect food from insects and vermin;
• hygienic washing procedure;
• knowledge of how food poisoning is caused
• implementation of procedures to prevent food poisoning.
This was only a brief overview of food safety. If you're in the restaurant and plan to doa chef or cook, it is imperative that you learn everything there is to know about this. The link below should help close the gaps.
Basically you need to know the food standards in relation to their country. Meaningless for the safety of food legislation in the United Kingdom, or if you live in Australia, Spain or New Zealand work.